Last night I saw The Class, which is up for best foreign film at the Oscars this year. It's about a teacher of French at a working-class school in Paris and the challenges he faces trying to get the kids (about 13-15 years old and several cultures and races) to learn. It's pretty compelling; maybe a little too long. Anyway, there's a scene in the teachers' lounge where one of the staff members announces she's pregnant. Naturally there is a bottle of Champagne popped open, and proper flutes passed around among the dozen or so teachers in the scene. The pregnant woman holds about a half-glass and gives a toast.
Can you imagine such a scene in an American school, or film, for that matter? Champagne chilling in the lounge, stemware at the ready. The teachers would be fired for having alcohol on school premises, and the expectant mother would be hounded for touching so much as a drop.
Lighten up, America.
Remains of the Day (03/07)
1 day ago
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