So on Thursday, a bitter, howling-wind kind of night, we dreamed of Italy with garlic scallops with sun-dried tomatoes and capers, and asparagus with pine nuts and garlic. That's right, at least a dozen cloves of garlic in this dinner; vampires beware. Also, this meal served to satisfy my burgeoning pine nut addiction.
Italian food deserves Italian wine, right? So I picked up the 2006 La Carraia Sangiovese from Umbria ($12.99 at Grace Wine & Spirits on Tenth Avenue). While the wine had a slightly musty-in-a-pleasant-way aroma, it otherwise just did not make much of an impression on me. Sangiovese has high acidity and usually a bit of spice, which I thought would stand up nicely against all the strong flavors, but this one was rather flat and bland.
Can't win 'em all.
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